Visitors comments

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

On the "Iranian Race"

Look at the chart. It is a very strange chart. The Iranian genetic chart cluster with Turks and Lebanon. Assyrians are closer to Kurds and Caspian than the Persians and Iranians.

1) Pashtuns and Hazara are both similar. They are either both caucasoid or both mongoloid. 2) Armenians and North Caucasians(wth are those?? chechens i guess) are both alike. 3) Iranians are all either turanids or turkified slavs.

I agree. what does Iranian mean? There is no such race. Iranians next to Turkish and Lebanon. Iranian far away from Iraqi, Kurdish and Caspian. This is exactly what I mean. By Iranian they mean Azeri Turks. They do not mean Persians. Strange chart.


They don't mean Azeri turks. They mean all Iranians. It's supposed to be based in genetics. It's by no means saying Iranians are homogenous. That's your wrong assumption.


All Iranians does not mean anything. It is like saying all Americans, white and black genetically cluster with Mexico. Actually they separate Iranian from Kurds and Iraqis and Caspian. They should cluster together genetically if they mean Persian by Iranian.


It means what it means. It's an average. Iran clusters with Europe. That means that the intra-group differences in Iran are smaller than the differences between itself and Europe. Iran is not comparable to America, which has much greater genetic difference.


Iranian means an average of what? What is an average of chinese and indian? This is not science. It is some kind of forgery. If that what they mean then why they have separated Kurds, Caspians from Iranians? Caspians are northern Iranians or a related Persian people. Genetically Iran is more diverse than US if you consider the original population of US in 1800.


You're making arbitrary divisions based on culture. Testing a respresentative sample of people in Iran gives you some information. It's simple logic: if a representative genetic sample of the country of Iran shows them to be as a whole genetically close to Europeans, 20-30% of that sample (Azeris) would have to be fairly close too.


He's right. Anatolian Turks for example are essentially that--originally I-E-speakers/Aryans who adopted an altaic language. Do you really think if Azeris, whose blood makes up a huge portion of Iran, were not fairly close to their neighbor's genetically, that Iran would place genetically in the middle of Europe? You can't have it both ways.Aryan is nothing but a linguistic term when used in a general context, much like Semitic, Turkish, etc.Linguistics change like clothing. I-E peoples don't necesserily have a common I-E ancestor.


On Azeri blood: You are right if Iran looked like New York and there was a real Iranian race. But there is no Iranian race and ethnic groups live in separate provinces. Persians one province, Azeris another province. Persians cluster with Danish and British. Azeris cluster with Anatolian Turks.


What I'm trying to say is...
If Iran places as a whole genetically close to Europeans... Your statement of non-Persian Iranians being very different from Persians doesn't make too much sense if all of Iran places with Europeans, especially if Persians are a minority.

I guess we are going in circles. There are genetic reports that show that Turks of Turkey are very similar in genetics to Turks of 2000 years ago. The thing is, I don't believe a minority can impose their culture and language to other people. That only did happen in colonial times, not in the old world. For example, old Bulgars were a Turkic race, however since they were small in numbers they were assimilated in Slavic populations. Today Bulgars are Slavs speaking a Slavic language. The only relation they have with the old Bulgars is the name, nothing more. By the same token, Wales, so close to England still has its cultural identity. Greeks, Assyrians, etc. they still preserve their identity. It is not as easy to assimilate peole as you made it out to be. If it was there wouldn't be 20+ countries on the lands that were once Ottoman Empire. It would be crazy to deny some admixture (and of course that works both ways), however Turks became the majority in Anatolia by immigration as early as 11th century and that is why Turkey exists today.


I agree with you. I confirm it with Persia. Why the same process as it claimed did not work in Persia. The seljuk turks ruled Persia too. Why they did not substitute the Turkish language for the Iranian people. The only ones who speak Turkish Azeris are the real Turkish Azeris in Iran. Same people are trying to prove Persians are not the original Aryans but they just learned and indo-european language from the Aryan elite which was few and disappeared later. Same people who have done those genetic studies on Turkey have produced this chart. Turkey is next to Iran according to the neighbor principle. Turkey is supposed to be next to greece if they believe what they say


Simply because it didn't happen in one population doesn't mean it's impossible. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Sicily and all of Italy outside of Rome, Iberia, France, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland had their tongues replaced with long-time occupiers with limited invader DNA being infused into the native population. Especially in the case of France and Iberia. This situation isn't improbable. Tongue can change easy. I almost forgot the Phoenicians. There's no doubt they didn't start out speaking a Semitic language, but they eventually did switch to one, and then Phoenicia was Arabicised. Most Basques speak (Castilian) Spanish and they're known for being the most genetically isolated, least mixed group in Europe.

The explanation might sound to you strange and difficult to understand. But the way Europe was run at the time was very primitive and they used force on people. Ottoman Empire and the Persian empire was far more advanced in its organization and was more democratic. You can even see that today. The afghan tribal society was far more democratic than the system imposed by Taliban with the support of ISI of Pakistan on Afghanistan.

Mike Jedi:
Persians and Azeris are of the same basic racial stock (Irano-Afghan). Persians just happen to speak an Indo-European language and Azeris speak an Altaic one. Other than that, they're two peas in a pod. It's not like a bunch of Turkic-speaking Central Asians came in and wiped out the native population of present day Azerbaijan. I've failed to see you supply any evidence that Azeris and Persians are of a different phenotype. You just keep saying that's the way it is. The burden of proof rests on you, because you are the only one who believes this nonsense.


I read your response. It looks like that you are an honest guy and try to be scientific. That is very good. I just want to explain that there is no Irano-Afghan race. Just putting together people from different racial backgrounds into a theoretical model does not create a new race. The components of this race are very different people. It is similar to create a race of Afro-whites. That is african and whites in US create Afro-whites in a new theoretical race. Here is an exchange between an Iranian Azeri and an Anatolian Turk on the subject of race.

Iranian Azeri
Remember Turkic peoples are non-turks who speak or adopted Turkish language and are not ethnically Turks.

Turk from Turkey:
You drive me crazy with such nonsens!!
Böyle piçleri hala ne konusturuyon burda seko??!!
Let me say something to you, you will never ever gonna be an ayran or aryan because "AZERI's ARENT ARYANS"

Anatolian Turk versus Ashkenazi Jew (Wannabe European)

Are you talking about me??? First of all I am not a "white" nationalist, where did I even hint such a thing? Also, I don't claim any relationship with Finns and Hungarians. As I said I don't want to be a Caucaisan, Caucasoid, Aryan or whatever. You are the one wanting to be something that you aren't, " Can I pass for this or that, blah, blah, blah" with all your inferiority complex. I don't want to be anything else. We are what we are. I don't want to put into a dumb category, I don't want to be classified anything but a Turk, I don't seek refugee in a greater group like racialists do. You have a comprehension problem, I am just claiming I am a Turk, or I am the Turk as Seizure said. FYI, I like East Asians more than Europeans. I just don't think that we Turks are East Asians just like we are not Europeans. We are neither this nor that. Next time be careful what you are talking about. Also, Atilla was a Hun, i.e a Turk, not a Magyar. And we are claiming him, OK.

Comment Oslonor: I completely agree with what you say. The same for Persians. We do not want to be Europeans either. (Anatolian Turk was discussing with some Ashkenazi Jews. "wannabe Europeans")

Iranian Lion

Yesterday at 5:32pm,

Why are you giving this Oslonor guy the time of day? He doesn't know anything about Iranians. He misidentified a Persian as an Assyrian. He's made many other errors.

  1. Khatami is a Persian from Yazd (in central Iran).
  2. You cannot tell the difference between Persians and Azaris.
  3. Most Iranians (of whatever ethnic identity) are Irano-Afghan phenotypically.


  1. Khatami himself claims that he originates from Arabs. (Sayed). I do not believe it but his profile is non-persian.
  2. That was the strangest statement. Azaris originate from Turks. Persians have a different origin. So all this antrhopology is for nothing. Azeris look like Persians. That is not correct. They clearly have different phenotypes. A Persian is somebody who looks like a Persian phenotype. If a black in US claims he is white, you do not check his papers. You just compare his features with a white phenotype. Khatami is the same case. I understand your point. You mean somebody like Gogoosh is Azeri but looks Persian. But I am not talking about that. I am talking about Persian and Azeri phenotypes. That is the prototypes of Persians and Azeris. They clearly look very different. Science is not based on the average but on the ideal types. It is valid in anthropology and physics and all other science.
  3. Yes. Sure. Please read me blog on Irano-Afghan fraud
  4. Click for More Comments from Visitors II

  5. Join our Aryan Forum

  6. Persians and Hollywood Part I

  7. Hollywood and Persians Part II

  8. The Policy of Turkification of Iran

  9. The Republic of Azerbaijan

  10. Iranians and African Americans

  11. An Iranian-American Rising Political Star

  12. Louis Farrakhan: Levees were blown up in New Orleans

  13. Al Gore and Racism

  14. John Kerry and the Iranian Connection

  15. Join Persian Aryans on Yahoo

  16. Comments by Visitors I

  17. Comments by Visitors II

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

On Persians and Indians

Quote Dodona Human Diversity Project:

Re-read my post. If you do, you'll see that I said that both Indians and Persians were mixed--but that Persians were far less mixed. Far, far less mixed. Persians are 96% Caucasoid, with only about 4% Mongoloid admixture. Indians, by contrast, have very little actual Caucasoid dna. The only ones who do in large measure are the upper caste Indians in the North, and the highest it goes up is about 30%.

When you factor in the other billion Indians who are not in the upper caste, that 30% rate drops down to something--on a national level--of 2% Caucasoid dna and 98% Asiatic and Austroloid.
I, too, used to lump India into the "Caucasoid" nations--until I read the dna studies. They really have remarkably little Caucasoid dna.

Persians, by contrast, cluster genetically with Europeans. Common sense would make one assume that Persians would be genetically like their neighbors. They're not. They don't cluster with Iraqis or Pakistanis--but with Greeks, Italians and other Euro-Meds. In fact, on a genetic map posted on this very website, I was shocked by how close the Persians clustered to the English and Dutch.

They're (Iran) like a European country thrown into the middle of Central Asia.

Very strange.
But it's true.

Seizure Response No. 107

Re: What is 'Racism'?

« Reply #107 on Today at 12:41am »


Those people could be (Click) very well from Europe.

Not most of them.

I just want to make a comment. I post the pictures of the prototype of a Persian. Of course I do not post a picutre of a half-azeri half-persian. Becuase she is not a prototype of a Persian. That is why you want that I just post a picture of somebody in Random in Tehran to prove your point. No. I do not do that. Then you say those are not many. And I agree they are a minority. And also with the policy of Turkification in Iran by Azeri nationalist, they are trying to destroy the Persians as an ethnic minority. They move Azeris in a massive scale into Persian areas and try to mix them with Persians. This way they are trying to improve the Azeri race. Exactly what you are talking about that Azeris are not European looking. Yes. They want to make them European looking. Even they should understand that whatever they do, they can not change the DNA of an Azeri. Because a mix of an Azeri and a Persian is an Azeri racial profile.

see my blog on click here

Turkification of Iran


Monday, October 24, 2005

Seizure Response No. 77

Re: What is 'Racism'?

« Reply #78 on Yesterday at 1:56pm »
Yesterday at 8:18am,
Response by Seizure:

So what is your point. Persians do not fit into Irano-Afghan group.

No one fits into a single group. Coon, who you simultaneously use to corrobarate your claim that because they're metrically similar, nordics and persians must be the same, does not even claim that most Persians fit into his Irano-Afghan group. He calls it the principal element in all of Iran, which means it's first but still a minority. Other than that, I've no idea where you're getting that Persians are all Irano-Afghans.

It is very strange name. Irano-Afghan describe neither Persians or Afghans. It describes mostly Azeris and Turkomens.

Regardless, some Persians are Iranids. None are Nordids. Deal with it.

They are part of Irano-Nordoid.

You're being pendantic. It doesn't matter if there's an Iranian race. Half of her ancestry comes from Iran.

According to her biography Click: Shermine Shahrivar came from Iran to Germany with her parents when she was 3 years old.

Rudia Bakhtiar (Click) is looks like what she is. A middle-easterner. I have no agenda to "claim" supposedly european looking Persians. Speaking of biographies, go take a look at Shermine's. She's half German. No two ways about it. My point? Just try not to use non-pure examples. For example, Catherine Zeta Jones is constantly used on this forum as an example of a dark Welshie. She's half Irish, half Welsh, though, and it's her Irish father who's darker than her Welsh mother. Maybe most of her appearance is due to him. For all you know Shermine's the spitting image of her German mother.

I do not know what you mean by Middle Easterner. There is no Middle easterner category in anthropology. Shermin Click does not look like Germans. And Germans do not need a half german girl to represent Nordic germans. Her case is not related to Catherine Zeta Jones. Also wonder how you know Shermines life so well. Is it not that you have an agenda and that is why you are saying she is half german.

They usually have dark-brown and black hair. You show on your blog almost only the lightest Persians as if this is typical, meanwhile you make a big deal of Hollywood not showing Persians as white enough. Roxanne was played by a heavily

I do not associate Aryans with the color of the hair. I am not a nordcisit. What you are trying to say that Azeris have %100 black hair and I agree with you. You associate a typical Iranian image with an Azeri and you are correct because they are a majority. I do not think you have seen many Persians. But Azeris are different ethnic group. But I have noticed some people on these forums have seen Persians. They make comments such as "Yes. Iranians can look very different". You expect me to use half Azeri half-Persian pictures on my blog. I do not because they are not persian prototype. I am using Persian prototypes.

I'm mixing no one up.
They're not related at all? Your blog makes erroneous statements about Arabians, claiming they're mulato.

I am quoting Wikepedia. That is what wikepedia claims.

Stop putting words in my mouth. I said those people look like they belong in the Middle East. It's true. Europe has certain phenotypes; the Middle East has its. There are of course huge overlaps, but these people do not represent such.

Ordinary americans and Europeans do not agree with you. Those Persians could be very well from Europe.

Not according to the same Cavalli-Sforza map you started this with. Genetics, metrical dimensions, facial features--caucasoids are largely homogenous, Arab to Swede.

That is correct. But the power of explanation of Caucasoid is very limited.

Just because you can't understand the similarities between different peoples with different pigmentation or have an agenda to prove Persians are "white" doesn't mean anything. If anything, "white" what is unscientific here.

I do not have any agenda. Other people have an agenda to associate Persians with Arabs and Africans.

You get on me for calling her Persian and yet you use "Afghans". Afghanistan is as ethnically plural as Iran. Why no objection there?

Both Persians and Afghans are the same people. I have same the objection there. I do not know what you are refering to.

Blah, blah, blah. I didn't bloody mention Azeris. I'm not speaking of Azeris. How the crap is that girl nordic? Define nordic. Dolichochranic? What?

Good question. Why you are not surprised about Azeris who have all the characteristics that you assign to Persians.

I think you should stop putting words in my mouth.
Yeah, and I talked to a guy who told me he found Jesus passing out fliers by the subway. Where's the part where you actually provide any evidence for what you're saying?

Swedes are one of those early nations that accepted the German version of history about Aryans and aryan migration. That is the proof.

I was referring again just to Persians, who I repeat are not the same as nordics. "White" is a meaningless social construct not backed up by genetics.

That is what anthropologist believe. See the discussion on Nordish and Nordic here
Nordish and Nordic

WTF is that statement supposed to mean. First of all, for the last bloody time, Irano-Afghan does not mean Persian or Afghan. It means a phenotype in those countries, but that is also in others. This plate is not a example, or nor is it bloody supposed to be an example of Aghanis or Persians. No one bloody said most Persians have hooked noses. No one bloody said most Persians are Irano-Afghans. You came up with that all by yourself.

That is fine. You can use any theoretical model and any terminology that you like. But if you want to go from theory to reality, you need auxiliary theories and assumptions to be able to explain concrete examples e.g. point to somebody and say he is persian or afghan. The problem is that you do not have these additional theories and the implications from the general theory is not valid. All your explanations are on a ad hoc basis. They are aposteriori. That is why they can not explain anything. In any case Most of your terminilogy does not make any sense. But you are free to choose any theories you want. But I question the implications of your theories.

What are they pictures of? Monkeys? Pictures means graphical represention--drawings or otherwise.

Those are good pictures if you want to prove that Irano-Afghan race is a hooked nose race. Otherwise they are not very good prototypes. See here for "Irano-Afghan Race" Fraud.

Yes, and? Again, the only idiot who came up with the conclusion that this phenotype was exclusive to Persians and Afghanis. Don't blame your poor reasoning skills on Carlton Coon.

I wonder if Coon was trying to include too many ethnic groups in a very narrow or wide race category. He should have more categories.

Persians are not Turks.

Coon isn't saying otherwise.

That is what Hollywood thinks.


Iranians have been proven to have gene markers in common with sub-saharan africans and semitic peoples of the middle-east.

So what if you have the same genes? accept reality. You are definately not WHITE, but you are caucasoid with a variation of skin color ranging from light to dark. I can post pictures of any race with people that have blue, green or grey eyes so it doesnt matter. Anyone can post the minority and pretend it to represent the whole. I have been to Iran 4 times and can tell you it looks no different than Syria, India or Kuwait in terms of how the people look! Some are lighter skinned in the north while others are darker. That is it.

You are Iranian (from an old persian ethnic group since persia doesnt exist anymore however I will let you claim you are persian if it makes you happy). I have seen so many Iranians/Persians pretending to be Italian/Protuguese but it is so obvious they are not. No other culture hates itself so much and wants to be something else. Pathetic. I bet if you delete this you are a fool because you cannot handle the truth. You are not white, I would never accept you as white or european.

Oslonor: Actually I am not Iranian. Those DNA tests you are talking about are not Y chromosome tests. They are mtDNA tests. Those tests can prove the Polish have the same genes as Africans in Congo or African Americans are Scandinavians!!! I think you should look carefully at the pictures I have posted on my blog. You are talking about Azeris who are a majority in Iran and I agree with you about that. And there is no Iranian race. You have to be specific which ethnic group you talk about. I can say the same about Americans. Americans are white or black does not make any sense.


Hi I'm a Chinese person living in Singapore and I stumbled upon your blog... enjoyed reading it and learning about your country's ethnic history.

Firstly I agree that your people, the Aryan Persians, have been unfairly stereotyped in Hollywood, especially when being portrayed as another race (ie:- dark-skinned, etc). The filmmakers in Hollywood should do more research, but you know they don't usually care about such things ;).

Secondly, if the entire Persian empire used to be Aryan, why are Aryan Persians a minority in Iran today? Is it because many of the original Aryan Persians intermarried with the other races?

Lastly, I was surprised to find you stating on your blog that Aryan culture was involved in China. I'm curious as to what Aryans have to do with China, its culture and history?


Persians were a minority in ancient times. And they are a minority now.
Yes. check on Tocharian for Aryans in China.

Comments by Seizure

Dodona Human Diveristy Project
  • Author Seizure Topic: What is 'Racism'? (Read 599 times)
  • Seizure
  • God
  • Joined: Apr 2004
  • Gender: Male
  • Posts: 1,131
  • Location: Kalifornia.
  • Yesterday at 6:53am,
Seizure wrote:
Your blog is pretty erroneous.

The main feature of this so called race is that it is a hooked nose race. They add Persians, Afghans and Azeris and Turco-Persians to this race. These are very different ethnic groups and this race can not explain the wide ranging physical appearances of these people. This blog tries to clear that misconception.


"Irano-Afghan" is a bloody phenotype. It doesn't mean any country with an Irano-Afghan element is homogenous and the same as every other country with that element. The term "mediterranid" for example does even apply to most of the people living in the Mediterranean region. It's simply named after where it was selected for--the Med. Just like the Iranid type was selected for in the Middle East, not Europe, not the Nordic countries, not magical white land.


So what is your point. Persians do not fit into Irano-Afghan group. I wil leave it to Afghans to defend themselves.


* Shermine is only half Iranian.
* Almost all Iranians have dark hair and dark eyes. You, however, decided to portray them as being majority light-eyed and brown-haired.
* You also black wash Arabians.

1. Shermine is fully Persian. There is no Iranian race. She looks perfectly Persian. There is nothing German or anything else in her face. Do you want to claim tht Rudi Bakhtiar is also half German? Then you should read her biography.

2. Persians have brown and black hair. It is not a big deal to have brown hair for Persians. Azeris have 100% black hair. You are mixing up Azeris with Persians. I do not understand your point.

3. What does Arabian to do with Persians. They are not related at all.


Here you claim Persians are majority-Nordic? Are you blind? Yes, when they say "vastly different", they mean Persians are quite different from Nords.


There is significant segment of Persians who are Nordic. That is correct. You are mixing up nordic with nordish. I am not talking about Diane Sawyer. I am talking about Nordic. These pictures that you present, most of them do not have Persian features.They are either mixed or non-Persians. Persians are a minority in Iran. Azeris are around %60 of population. Besides you are looking for Nordish. You will not find nordish Persians or may be very few Nordish Persians. Rudi Bakhtiar is Persian prototype. Of course I am not using the pictures of mixed Persians. You want me to post some pictures of Iranians on a random basis. I am posting the picture of Persian prototypes not somebody at random. Then you say those are not many. Yes. They are a minority in Iran. Azeris are the majority. Here is her picture:
Rudi Bakhtiar


[image] [image] [image]
[image] [image] [image]
[image] [image] [image]

These are the first nine pictures I could find. None of them look central European, northern European, or southern European. They look like what they are--caucasoid middle-easterners.


There is no middle eastern race. Arabs, Persians, Azeris and swedes are caucasians or cuasasoid. Cuacasian does not mean anything.


You're as guilty of misrepresentation as those you accuse.

The girl is not nordic. It does not matter that she has similar metric porportions as some Skandinavian: she's still a middle-eastern girl adapted to her environment. (Do you honestly believe Arabs just sprouted from the ground and have no relation to Persians?)


That Nordic Persian Tribal girl is extremely Nordic. She is not Nordish. I think you should read the text carefully. Diane Sawyer is Nordish. That is what you are looking for. According to DNA, Arabs have nothing to do with Persians. You are mixing up Azeris with Persians. You mean Azeris look like Arabs.


If you actually believe Swedes and Persians are more related than Swedes and Brits, you're nuts.


Yes. I have talked to Swedish anthropologist and that is what the Swedes think that is the case.


Ashkenazi Jews like the "Nordish Race" very much. The reason is that Ashkenazi Jews are classified together with Nordics due to geography living in Europe and Jews are then regarded as a "Nordish Race". This way Ashkenazi Jews would be included and undesirable elements such as Persians would be excluded from "Nordish race" because of geography.


Yeah, it couldn't possibly have to do with millenia of adaptation to the middle-east, including pigementation, and plain genetic distance.


According to research by Jews, they have concluded that Ashkenazi jews are not related to Turks or Europeans and they are related to other Jews from Israel. No Ashkenazi Jews are not nordic or nordish and they are not even considered white in racial terms.
I also refer you to "Irano-Afghan race" fraud here:

« Last Edit: Today at 5:35am by oslonor »

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Comments by Z

i, I recently found your site while doing a search for Aryans and must say, am very impressed. Most people today like to think of Persians as being non-European looking, mostly saying they look more like me (I myself am an Arab from Lebanon)

This of course, is absurd and seems to fit more into the cookie-cutter, Politically Correct, Hollywood standard of etnicity and culture.

A good example of the absurdity of modern perception is the movie "Alexander", which potrayed Baktrian Roxane as an African American named Rosario Dawson. This of course is laughable.

I, as a non Persian, have no qualms with you for merely stating the truth, which has been white-washed by modern Hollywood, mostly for its desire to hurt blonde haired, blue eyed types which they despise. (A good example of this is the "dumb blonde" stereotype.

Since we're on the topic of Hollywood white-washing, I wanted to mention a future movie on the life of Carthagenian general Hannibal which will star Denzell Washington.

As a descendent of the Phonecians (Carthagen was a Phonecian colony in north Africa, which by the way wasnt populated by blacks anyways)it deeply troubles me to think that someone had the pinhead idea to make Hannibal, who probably looked more like me (albeit a bit manlier)then a Sub-Saharan, a people who at the time werent even in North Africa, but came later with slavery in the middle ages.

Anyways, those are my two cents. I wish you the best of luck and ill be sure to pass it along to my Persian friends.